Tuesday 31 October 2017

USB Remote v1.80

USB Remote v1.80 will be released tomorrow. Here's what's new in this version:

Added support for sub-directories:

You can now create sub-directories in /USBRemote/Macros/ directory to better organize your macros. Use external file manager app to create directories and move macro files. Macros stored in internal app memory can now be accessed using virtual directory: "Application memory".


Macro editor:

Macros can be now created and edited using graphical editor:
  • edit macro: select macro → Edit (preview) → Macro editor
  • create macro: New → provide name & select Editor mode → Next

Macro editor


  • external and internal storage modes are supported at the same time (macros)
  • parameters are now also supported for macros stored in internal memory (but for text values only)
  • Google Slides shortcuts (presentation tab)
  • minor layout changes
  • bug fixes

Wednesday 4 October 2017

USB Remote v1.71

Added clipboard action:

<clipboard> macro action allows to type content of system clipboard. Content of the clipboard is loaded just before a macro is being executed and is NOT updated during the execution.


%max_length - max allowed text length - if text in clipboard exceeds this value it will not be typed. Use 0 for unlimited text length.

Example 1:
type content of clipboard only it it is no longer than 100 characters

Example 2:
type content of clipboard, no matter how much text is stored in the clipboard.

Example 3:
content of system clipboard is pre-loaded before first macro action. Both <clipboard> actions will type the same text even is content of system clipboard is modified during the 10 seconds delay.

Modified syntax for <keyboard> action:

  • it is now possible to use human readable key labels for <keyboard> macro actions. Use key labels from US keyboard layout. Always use "primary" label, for example, to get ! character you press shift+1 not "!" key.
  • when HID keycodes are used it is now possible to use shorter format: when a single key is pressed or when a single key is pressed together with modifier (ctrl, shift...) key(s).

<keyboard> action represents state of the keyboard at a given moment. Remember that you must manually release keys (use <keyboard> action with no parameters) or they will remain in pressed state until next macro action that affects keyboard state is executed or maco execution is finished.

macros containing <keyboard> actions with new syntax (key labels) are NOT compatible with previous app releases New syntax is now used when recording macros. Current app version is compatible with macros recorded using previous app versions.

<keyboard>%modifiers, 0x00, %key0, %key1*, %key2*, %key3*, %key4*, %key5*
(HID keycodes, before v1.70)

<keyboard>%modifiers, %key
(HID keycodes, v1.71 and later)

<keyboard>%modifiers + %key
(key labels)

%modifiers - pressed modifier keys: ctrl (0x01), shift (0x02), alt (0x04), GUI/Win key (0x08)
%key, %key0, ... - pressed non-modifier key(s): use HID keycodes, decimal/hex format or key labels from US keyboard layout
* - optional parameters

For a list of HID keycodes see this document.

Example 1:
(key labels)
(HID keycodes, a = 0x04, short format when just one non-modifier key is pressed)
press "A" key.

Example 2:
<keyboard>shift + a
(key labels)
<keyboard>0x02, 0x04
(HID keycodes, shift = 0x02, a = 0x04, short format when single non-modifier key is pressed together with modifier keys)
press "Shift+A" keys combination (to get capital "A").

Example 3:
(key labels)
<keyboard>0x05, 0x4C
(HID keycodes, hex format, ctrl = 0x01, alt = 0x04, delete = 0x4C)
press "Ctrl+Alt+Delete" keys combination.

Example 4:
press A key, wait 2 seconds (while keeping the key pressed), release all keys.

Example 5:
press "Shift+1" keys combination (to get "!" character)


  • bug fixes

Tuesday 3 October 2017

KP2A plugin v1.12

New field actions

  • Type+Enter: type content of selected field, immediately press Enter key after typing
  • Type+Tab: type content of selected field, immediately press Tab key after typing (switch to next text field)

New field actions

New actions must be manually enabled: plugin settings → Displayed UI Actions → Field Actions

Added keys for Masked Password

Following keys can be pressed directly from Masked Password screen: Esc, Tab, left & right arrow keys, Enter.

Improved smart auto-connect

If smart auto-connect is enabled (plugin settings → Auto-connect → Smart), the plugin will try to connect every time an (KP2A) entry is opened. Application will temporarily disable smart auto-connect when:

  • connection attempt fails (InputStick out of range)
  • no device is selected (if you have more than once device added in InputStickUtility)
  • you refuse to enable Bluetooth

when disabled, application will no longer try to auto-connect when an (KP2A) entry is opened. Smart auto-connect will be re-enabled after you manually request typing.

Smart auto-connect works best when you use InputStick frequently (so most of the time you want it to auto-connect), but you don't take it with you when going for vacation, business trips or just forget to take it with you sometimes (and when that happens you don't want to be bugged with connection attempts that will fail anyway).


  • only single action will be queued if not connected (avoid executing multiple actions once connected)
  • bug fixes