Tuesday 7 May 2019

USB Remote for iOS v1.33

What's new in USB Remote v1.33 (iOS): 

New auto-connect options:

You can now choose between 3 different modes for Auto-connect feature (Control tab → Settings General Auto-connect):

  • Disabled
  • Smart auto-connect: recommended if you have more than one InputStick. Application will try to connect to the most recently used device. If the attempt fails, auto-connect will be temporarily disabled, until you manually reconnect to the most recently used device or connect to a different InputStick
  • Always auto-connect: recommended if you have one InputStick. Application will always try to auto-connect to the most recently used device


  • added missing dead keys for US International and Dutch keyboard layouts
  • connection errors will now be ignored when app is in background (connection error dialog will not be displayed)
  • uses updated InputStick API