Thursday 24 March 2016

KP2A plugin v1.02

Manual for the plugin in .pdf format is now available. Download.

List of changes in v1.02:
  • Warning message will be displayed when CapsLock is on
  • Text length is checked before typing from clipboard (Settings -> Check length) - plugin will prevent from accidentally typing long text, if for example entire SMS message was copied into clipboard instead of just authentication code. You can disable length checking in settings - in such case even long text will be typed.
  • Fixed potential security issue on "Masked Password" screen - it will not longer be possible to see password characters (if they were revealed) in recent apps thumbnail 
  • Save as and Load from buttons are no longer displayed when editing a template - just to avoid confusion between individual macros and templates.
  • New keyboard layouts: pt-PT and fr-CA

Thursday 10 March 2016

KP2A plugin v1.01

Latest version of the plugin allows to execute any previously created macro template for current entry. It is no longer necessary to assign the same macro to several KP2A entries. There is also a new option for managing templates (it is no longer necessary to edit macro for current entry to access templates, although the same screen is re-used for this purpose). New actions can be accessed from "Show all actions" option, but if you are going to use them frequently, you should consider enabling them in Settings -> General Actions / Entry actions.

BTW: if you think that 5 templates limit is not enough, please let me know in comments.

New functions: "Manage templates" and "Execute Template".
Select template for execution or editing.

When typing from clipboard is active, application will display notification, which informs you how much longer the function will remain active. You can use the notification to immediately disable typing from clipboard or extend its duration (max allowed time is 15min).

You can now disable or extend duration of typing from clipboard function.