Tuesday 31 December 2013



I've just started InputStick campaign on Indiegogo. All the details are on the campaign page, so there is no point in duplicating this here. As I've already mentioned in my previous post, this is more of a pre-orders than crowdfunding, what basically means that you'll get InputStick regardless of whether funding goal is reached or not. Since most of the development is already done, the funding goal is set relatively low. During first few days there won't be much promotion going on, but I'll definitely put a lot of effort into this during January 2014.

Why pre-order? All pre-orders get free international shipment (well, to be more precise it's already included in the price), also you'll be sure to receive InputStick from the very first production run. At this moment I can't guarantee anything about how many units will be available after the pre-orders are over and when next batch will be manufactured. Last but not least, number of pre-ordered units will allow me to estimate how many people are actually interested in this project and as a result I may put additional resources into applications development (UI, custom icons, additional functionality, possible new apps).

I'd really appreciate if you could share campaign URL: http://igg.me/at/inputstick with anyone who might be potentially interested in InputStick. Thanks! :)

1 comment:

  1. Glad to be on board. Unfortunately my social impact is precisely zero, but hey - I'll give it a shot anyway...
